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In addition to research and education, we are also offering consulting and scientific services to engineering practice, including laboratory (soil element) testing, centrifuge model testing, and specialized design expertise. Our services are complementary to the needs of the industry, aiming to bridge the gap between research and practice, and vice-versa. Our research and teaching is largely inspired by the needs of the industry, and many of the methods we have developed have found their way to engineering practice. Our active involvement in challenging projects facilitates this exchange.
Our specialized consulting services encompass 2D and 3D static and dynamic analysis-design of foundation-structure systems, employing state-of-the-art numerical modelling and advanced constitutive models (some developed in-house) both for the soil and for the superstructure. Besides conventional static and seismic design, we offer highly-specialized consulting services for the design of foundation-structure systems against faulting- and liquefaction-induced deformation. In the latter case, we employ carefully-calibrated and thoroughly validated (against centrifuge model tests) fully-coupled constitutive models, capable of capturing the loss of soil shear strength due to pore pressure build-up.
Our design services cover the entire range of geotechnical construction, from special foundation design for buildings (shallow foundations), towers (piled rafts), and bridges (pile groups); to waterfront (quay walls, breakwaters), underground (cut-and-cover, immersed, and bored tunnels) and retaining structures (metro stations, anchored walls); to forensic analysis of failures; and seismic risk and loss assessment (e.g., for the insurance of motorways). We focus on solving challenging problems, providing innovative engineering solutions that minimize the use of natural resources and the carbon footprint of geotechnical construction.
We have been involved in a number of demanding projects in difficult soil conditions, such as Three-Point 8600 Dübendorf (the tallest apartment buildings in Switzerland), Domokos SG26 bridge (the longest rail bridge in the Balkans), the Olympic Stadium of Athens (Greece), and the iconic Queensboro Bridge in New York (US). Indicative of the direct application of our research to practise, is our recently-provided expertise for the retrofit of Goldswil Viaduct (Switzerland), even before completion of our ASTRA-funded project on bridge pilegroup retrofit.
A selection of projects in which Prof. Anastasopoulos and group members have been involved over the years is provided, aiming to offer an overview of the range of our specialized consulting services.
Click on the images below to explore our projects in each category.