News Channel
ETHZ Geotechnical Centrifuge Center Inauguration event
On Friday 17th January 2025 the Inauguration event of the ETH Zurich Geotechnical Centrifuge Centre (GCC) took place in the Hönggerberg campus...
ISSMGE Interactive Technical Talk Episode 12: Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (TC104)
The twelfth episode of International Interactive Technical Talk has just been launched and is supported by TC104. Prof. Ioannis Anastasopoulos, Prof. Cristina Tsuha and Dr. Federico Pisano are discussing with Dr. Marc Ballouz about Physical Modelling in Geotechnics.
IGT hosts GS fall conference on Research and Innovation in Geotechnics

The Institute for Geotechnical Engineering (IGT) of ETH Zurich is hosting the fall conference of the Swiss Geotechnical Society (GS) on the topic "Research and Innovation in Geotechnics". Read more...
IUGG Early Career Scientist Award 2023 - Prof. Dr. Johan Gaume

Prof. Dr. Johan Gaume of the Chair of Alpine Mass Movements of IGT received the 2023 Early Career Scientist Award of the IUGG in Glaciology. Read more...
ETHZ Geotechnischer Weiterbildungstag 2023

The ETHZ Geotechnischer Weiterbildungstag 2023 took place on May 25, and was attended by participants from the industry and the academia. Read more...
Invitation to the lecture of Prof. Dr. Raul Fuentes on the seismic behaviour of tunnels

UPDATE: Due to health reasons the Inivited Lecture of Prof. Dr. Raul Fuentes is postponed to a later date, which will be announced in due time. Read more...
ETHZ Geotechnischer Weiterbildungstag 2023

Vulnerability assessment and damage mitigation for existing infrastructure Schwachstellenbewertung und Schadensbegrenzung für bestehende Infrastruktur 25 May 2023 Werner Siemens Auditorium (HIT E 51), ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Read more...
ETH Chair of Geotechnical Engineering hosts the GEOLAB Networking Event and the ELGIP Workshop

It was a great pleasure for the ETH Chair of Geotechnical Engineering to host this year’s annual GEOLAB Networking Event along with the annual ELGIP (European Large Geotechnical Institutes Platform) Workshop. Read more...
The ETH Chair of Geotechnical Engineering will host the 11th ICPMG conference in 2026

The ETH Chair of Geotechnical Engineering of ETH Zürich proudly announces that the 11th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG) will be hosted in Zurich, Switzerland in 2026. Read more...
Group participation to the 10th ICPMG conference (Daejeon, South Korea)

The ETH Chair of Geotechnical Engineering of ETH Zürich actively participated in the 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics in Daejeon, South Korea. Read more...
On the mechanisms governing the response of pile groups under combined VHM loading

We are happy to share that the paper titled “On the mechanisms governing the response of pile groups under combined VHM loading” authored by Dr. Lampros Sakellariadis and Prof. Ioannis Anastasopoulos just got published. Read more...
GEOLAB Project: Second Round of Proposals until September 30th

It was a great pleasure for the Chair of Geotechnical Engineering to share GEOLAB with our fellow delegates at ICONHIC and the great opportunities it offers to aspiring young researchers. Read more...
Congratulations to Dr. Athanasios Agalianos for being awarded the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich

Congratulations to Dr. Athanasios Agalianos for being awarded the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich, in acknowledgement of his outstanding doctoral thesis entitled “Strike-slip faulting and interaction with structures: a combined numerical and experimental study”
Seismic evaluation of an existing bridge pilegroup on liquefiable soil (Canton Bern, Switzerland)

The vast majority of existing bridges were constructed in the 60’s and 70’s with obsolete seismic codes, calling for evaluation of seismic safety according to modern seismic design provisions. Read more...
Simplified stiffness estimation method for bridge pile groups based on in-situ measurements

Ageing infrastructure calls for retrofit, which can be challenging, costly, and time-consuming, especially when considering pile groups supporting bridges. Read more...
Investigation of boundary effects imposed by different types of centrifuge containers

Centrifuge experiments are considered ideal benchmarks when validating numerical models. However, such models are installed in (rigid or flexible) model containers. Read more...
Simplified method for performance-based seismic design of offshore wind turbines

A large number of offshore wind turbines (OWTs) are (or will be) installed in high-seismicity areas. Practice urgently calls for efficient performance-based design techniques. Read more...
Robustness of simplified methods for rocking structures on soil

Rocking isolation has been shown to be beneficial. By allowing full mobilization of foundation bearing capacity, the plastic “hinge” is invited into the soil, protecting the superstructure. Read more...
3D interaction mechanisms of a surface foundation subjected to strike-slip faulting

Strike-slip faulting and its interaction with foundation-structure systems has received limited attention, due to the problem’s complexity and the need for 3D analysis. Read more...
Geotechnical Centrifuge Center (GCC) opens up to the public @Science City 2021

Every year Treffpunkt Science City of ETH Zürich opens up laboratories to the general public. Read more...