News Channel

ETHZ Geotechnical Centrifuge Center Inauguration event

ISSMGE Interactive Technical Talk Episode 12: Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (TC104)

IGT hosts GS fall conference on Research and Innovation in Geotechnics

IUGG Early Career Scientist Award 2023 - Prof. Dr. Johan Gaume

ETHZ Geotechnischer Weiterbildungstag 2023

Invitation to the lecture of Prof. Dr. Raul Fuentes on the seismic behaviour of tunnels

ETHZ Geotechnischer Weiterbildungstag 2023

ETH Chair of Geotechnical Engineering hosts the GEOLAB Networking Event and the ELGIP Workshop

The ETH Chair of Geotechnical Engineering will host the 11th ICPMG conference in 2026

Group participation to the 10th ICPMG conference (Daejeon, South Korea)

On the mechanisms governing the response of pile groups under combined VHM loading

GEOLAB Project: Second Round of Proposals until September 30th

Congratulations to Dr. Athanasios Agalianos for being awarded the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich

Seismic evaluation of an existing bridge pilegroup on liquefiable soil (Canton Bern, Switzerland)

Simplified stiffness estimation method for bridge pile groups based on in-​situ measurements

Investigation of boundary effects imposed by different types of centrifuge containers

Simplified method for performance-based seismic design of offshore wind turbines

Robustness of simplified methods for rocking structures on soil

3D interaction mechanisms of a surface foundation subjected to strike-slip faulting

Geotechnical Centrifuge Center (GCC) opens up to the public @Science City 2021