Invitation to the lecture of Prof. Dr. Raul Fuentes on the seismic behaviour of tunnels

UPDATE: Due to health reasons the Inivited Lecture of Prof. Dr. Raul Fuentes is postponed to a later date, which will be announced in due time. Read more...


UPDATE: Due to health reasons the Inivited Lecture of Prof. Dr. Raul Fuentes is postponed to a later date, which will be announced in due time.


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The ETH Chair of Geotechnical Engineering cordially invites you to attend the Invited Lecture of Prof. Dr. Raul Fuentes from RWTH Aachen University on Thursday, 27 April at 9:45 am, HIL E8 (ETH Hönggerberg Campus).

The topic of his presentation will be “Seismic behaviour of tunnels - challenges and opportunities”.

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