Earthquake Simulator

Custom-designed for the KRUPP centrifuge, the Actidyn BC-5810 earthquake simulator is capable of delivering horizontal seismic ground motions of any target waveform (including recorded and artificial motions) at up to 0.5 g peak ground acceleration on packages of up to 700 kg mass over a wide frequency band, at a maximum centrifugal acceleration of 100g. This new earthquake simulator is specially-designed to be easily mountable on the KRUPP centrifuge swing, without the need for extensive interventions. Moreover, it features an open design at the edges, allowing the installation of longer boxes, extending from the 1.1 x 0.8 m (length x width) table on both sides. This special feature offers the possibility to install a soil container of up to 2 m length (extending 0.375 m from the platform on each side), which can be crucial for testing structure-soil-structure interaction between neighbouring structures.  

Actidyn on-board earthquake simulator
Actidyn on-board earthquake simulator

The table is supported by a set of preloaded rectangular elastomeric bearings (a sandwich of several elastomer and metallic layers), designed to withstand very high compressive loads. Local accumulators are installed at the edges of the earthquake simulator, aiming to provide compact packaging that minimizes piping lengths and pressure drops when high flow rate and pressures are required. The system is controlled with a SignalStar MATRIX digital controller from Data Physics Corp. The external hydraulic power supply includes a hydraulic pump, an oil reservoir, a set of accumulators, and an automatic control system. The high pressure output and low pressure return lines are routed to the centrifuge arm through a set of high pressure hydraulic rotary joints.

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